Selasa 19 Nov 2013 16:30 WIB

Chief of Police: From tomorrow, policewomen are allowed to wear headscarf

Rep: Gilang Akbar Prambadi/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Polisi wanita (Polwan) Polresta Banda Aceh mengenakan jilbab
Polisi wanita (Polwan) Polresta Banda Aceh mengenakan jilbab

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The status of headscarf (jilbab) for Indonesia's National Police (INP) female member (policewoman) finally saw a bright future.

After months of stalled cindition without rules or code of conducts and not even stated in any Chief Police regulation (Perkap), the Bhayangkara ultimately provided flexibility for Indonesia's policewomen to wear headscarf.

National Police Chief Gen. Sutarman, at Rupatama Building in Police Headquarters asserted that dressing to cover aurat (ornament/private body parts according to divinely definition) is a human right. On this basis, Sutarman allowed all policewomen who want to wear headscarf to wear it without the need to wait for the rule (Perkap) from him.

"Jilbab is a personal right. I have conveyed to police members, who have jilbab to wear it," Sutarman said at Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Tuesday (19/11).

The four-star general ensured that policewomen would not get warning if they wear headscarf on duty.

He emphasized, a policewoman who want to wear headscarf was free to buy and pick her headscarf for later on to use it on duty.

The reason was, for this year, INP has not list yet, on annual budget, for headscarf procurement. So if there were funds to be channeled to buy headscarf from INP budget, it will be against the rule.

"Starting from tomorrow, policewomen allowed to wear headscarf but note that the model and color of their choice should be the same as the hijab worn by policewomen in Aceh Police, ok!," Sutarman said.

As is known, the polemic of whether a policewoman allowed or not to wear headscarf has not found its answer yet.

Although previous Police Chief Gen. Timur Pradopo has stated that he has allowed policewomen to wear headscarf, but he has not issued any code of conducts (Perkap) yet that will ensure a sense of comfort for policewomen to wear it.

Ed: A.Syalaby Ichsan

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