Sabtu 23 Nov 2013 19:14 WIB

'Islamic Economics Movement should not be a seasonal event'

Soetrisno Bachir
Foto: Republika
Soetrisno Bachir

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- As the largest Muslim population countries in the world, Indonesia was seen as too late in taking advantage of the Islamic finance system.

"It is an irony," said Chairman of the Association of Familie of Indonesian Islamic Student (KB PII) Soetrisno Bachir in Reboan Assembly in Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, on Wednesday (20/11) night.

He urged, the Islamic Economic Movement (Gres!) should be implemented with a clear agenda and systematic.

The synergy between the public and the government should also be seriously improved.

The government urged to be more proactive in synergizing its step with grass root based movement.

Although the Islamic financial sector in Indonesia was showing a positive development, this merely happened based on community initiative, he said.

It's the growth of Muslim middle class which become a driving factor for the growth of Indonesia's economy significantly.

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