Rabu 11 Mar 2015 14:05 WIB

Muamalat best performing sharia bank in Indonesia

Bank Muamalat
Bank Muamalat

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Bank Muamalat received an international appreciation as the best sharia bank in Indonesia from the Islamic Finance News (IFN) and IFN Awarding Ceremony 2014 in Malaysia.

"Thanks God, the appreciation is a pride as well as a recognition for us . The appreciation shows that we are not only competitive but were are recognized," Endy Abdurrahman, the president director of the country's first sharia bank, said here on Wednesday (11/3).

The token of appreciatio9n is presented by the Managing Director of Islamic Finance News Andrew Morgan, to Endy Abdurrahman.

It was the 7th time Bank Muamalat was rated the best Islamic bank in the country .

This time the bank won the appreciation as the best Islamic retail bank and the best Islamic Bank in Indonesia.

Bank Muamalat already received the citation as the Best Islamic Bank in Indonesia in 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2014.

In 2012, the bank also received the citation as The Most Innovative Islamic Bank in the World.

Islamic Finance News (IFN) is an agency providing publications of sharia financial industry and Islam economy all over the world.

The agency takes part in issuing on-line publication for 12,500 global sharia banking professionals .

IFN Awards Ceremony 2014 drew the attention of sharia banks , legal practitioners , sharia advisers , CEO and government institutions and Islamic Financial Consultants from various countries.

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