Senin 25 May 2015 15:26 WIB

DPR asks TNI Commander to formalize hijab for military women

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara//Irwansyah Putra

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The House of Representatives (DPR) urged the chief of Indonesian military (TNI) to make official rules soon related to the permissibility of women military soldiers to wear hijab. With the official rules, so the use of hijab in uniform for female soldier could be uniformed.

Deputy Chairman of parliament, Taufik Kurniawan said he welcomed the statement of TNI Commander.

"This shows the Commander sensitiveness to the current development and the growing desire in the community," said Taufik, in a press release on Monday, May 26.

Taufik requested that the policy could be formalized soon. He asked TNI Commander to make a Decree that regulates the use of hijab for women TNI soldiers.

"Soon it should be followed up, so that everything could be run," said politician of the National Mandate Party (PAN).

The decree, said Taufik, could be arranged about the shape of hijab and the clothes. "So it must be set so hijab requirements by sharia are met, but also unobtrusive if members of the military performing her duties as a soldier," he said.

Therefore, said Taufik, TNI Commander must immediately coordinate with his staff to prepare a fittest uniform.  "It could also be immediately consulted with scholars and designers," he said.

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