Kamis 18 Jun 2015 21:51 WIB

Parliament supports new MUI fatwa

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Parliament members welcomed the edicts (fatwa) of Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) about the position of a leader who did not keep his promises. Members Commission VIII of the House of Representatives (DPR) Imanulhaq Maman said the MUI’s fatwa is expected to revive the leader, either in legislative, judicial or executive in order to be able to implement the mandate which given.

"I as a Member of Parliament fully support it. As we see in reality, there were many members of parliament did not come to session. So in the middle of infertility and poor performance, MUI’s fatwa is able to revive," said Maman told Republika on Thursday, June 18.

The politician of Nation Awakening Party (PKB) explained, preferably MUI’s fatwa is based on the facts and data. For example, MUI find out the promise of public officials during a campaign and demanding the promises that have not been realized.

In addition, MUI should also mobilize the public to demand campaign promises delivered by the legislature, judiciary and executive as a form of oversight of their performance. If this could be done, then the MUI fatwa could run conducive and not just as regulations.

He added that, it was appropriate that MUI’s fatwa socialized during this holy month. So, that the Ramadan could be a momentum for Parliament members to improve their performance, not became lazier to work.

Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has just issued the decision of astral conjunction of fatwa commission about the position of leader who did not keep his promises.

In the fatwa explained some things. Among them, the position is a mandate which certainly held accountable by Allah. In achieving the goal, public leaders should not be made an oral promise to do anything outside his authority. In addition, the public leaders who do not carry out a campaign promise are guilty and should not be reelected.


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