Selasa 04 Aug 2015 18:07 WIB

Profile of NU chairman candidate: Salahuddin Wahid

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Gus Solah
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Gus Solah

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Salahudin Wahid is familiarly called Gus Sholah. He is a caretaker of Tebuireng boarding school in Jombang. This man, who was born in Jombang, 11 September 1942, is an activist, scholar, politician, and a leader of human right (HAM) movement in Indonesia. He also had been Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Islamic Students Association (PMII).

He was graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). His parents are Wahid Hasyim and Sholehah, who is the younger brother of former President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur). While, his grandfather was a great scholar, founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Hadratusy Syaikh KH Hasyim Ashari.

During his political career, Gus Sholah had been a member of the MPR in the early of 1998. He was also a Chairman of the NU in 1999-2004.

He said that he actually has no interest to be a candidate of NU’s chairman again, because he realized that he is already 73 years old. But he has been visited by many scholars, including KH Hasyim Muzadi. They convinced Gus Sholah in order to be willing to be nominated as Chairman of the NU again. Previously, a number of PCNU and PWNU also give support for him.

He is the one who refuse the use of Ahlul Halli Wal 'Aqdi (ahwa) system in choosing Rais' Aam. However, the system will be used in the NU congress to counter the money politics.

Gus Sholah said that he is not agree, because the only way to counter the money politic is by holding those who already did the money politics not to run again in the congress.

Gus Sholah wants NU as a religious organization, to be neutral. Therefore, NU needs a better management and should have priorities in order to play their important role for the country.

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