Kamis 06 Aug 2015 08:16 WIB

Muhammadiyah grants scholarships to 1,419 Thailand students

Din Syamsuddin
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Din Syamsuddin

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR -- Muhammadiyah as one of the major Muslim Organizations in Indonesia provided scholarships to 1,419 students of Thailand, general chairman of Muhammadiyah executive board Din Syamsuddin stated.

"Thousands of Thai Muslim university students have studied in a number of Muhammadiyah higher learning institutes in Java Island," Din said here on Wednesday on the sidelines of attending Muhammadiyah 47th National Congress.

The scholarships were awarded to young Muslims from four provinces in Thailand in effort to gain knowledge in Indonesia which later will be applied in their country, he added.

"They study in Indonesia do not only relate to religious knowledge but also study at the faculty of agriculture, economics, technology, management and several other faculties," he explained.

Muhammadiyah is holding its 47th National Congress here from August 3 through August 7.

At the congress, a new agenda for the next five years will be formulated, and a new leader to replace two-time chairman, Din Syamsuddin, will be elected.

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