Senin 31 Aug 2015 15:35 WIB

2,465 pilgrims from Indonesia arrive in Mecca

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MECCA -- A total of 2,465 pilgrims from Indonesia arrived in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on Sunday (30/8) at 22:00 LT (local time).

Based on data of Hajj Computerized Systems and Integrated Information (Siskohat) in Mecca, the Indonesian pilgrims who were arrived, were 435 people from the fleet JKG 01 Jakarta-Pondokgede embarkation, 357 people from fleet BPN 01 Balikpapan embarkation, 437 people from fleet UPG 01 Makkassar embarkation, 442 people from fleet JKS 01 Jakarta-Bekasi embarkation, 278 people from fleet MES 01 Medan embarkation , and 417 people from fleet SUB 01 Surabaya embarkation.

Indonesia dispatched 155,200 pilgrims to Saudi Arabia. They were divided into 375 fleet that were departed from nine embarkations.

Nine embarkations, namely Aceh (BTJ), Medan (MES), Batam (BTH), Jakarta-Pondokgede departed with Garuda Indonesia (JKG), Jakarta-Bekasi departed with Saudi Arabia’s planes (JKS), Solo (SOC), Surabaya (SUB ), Makassar (UPG), Balikpapan (BPN), Banjarmasin (BDJ), Padang (PDG), Palembang (PLG), and Lombok (LOP). Thus, there are 369 fleet that has not yet arrived in Mecca.

Most pilgrims were still in Medina to Arbain, the obligatory prayers 40 times in a row. Some others are still in Indonesia.

The departure of the first wave to Medina will take place until 3rd September 2015. The departure of the second wave to Jeddah will be conducted from 4th September to 17th September 2015.

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