Sabtu 20 Apr 2024 20:57 WIB

389 Candidate for Hajj from Aceh will be Departed in Two Groups

Worshippers are asked to prepare themselves for Hajj manasik and a healthy lifestyle.

Officers serve elderly (elderly) pilgrims from Banda Aceh.
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Khalis Surry
Officers serve elderly (elderly) pilgrims from Banda Aceh.

REPUBLICA.CO.ID, BANDA ACEH -- A total of 389 aspiring pilgrims from Aceh Besar will depart for Makkah, Saudi Arabia in two flying groups (kloter). Such separation was done because they could not be flown in a single kloter.

“The worshippers from the area were divided into two lots because the number exceeded the quota of one flight,” said the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Aceh Besar, Saifuddin, in Aceh Besar on Friday (19/4/2024).

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The number of worshippers in one flying group including kloter and TPHD officers was 393 people. Meanwhile, the worshippers of Aceh Besar were 389 people so had to be transported in two clubs.

Saifuddin mentioned that for Aceh Besar, worshippers were included in one kloter totaling 342 people, departing on Wednesday 29 May 2024.

“As for the remaining 47 worshippers are included in the kloter six that departed on Monday, June 3, 2024 at 22:40pm,” he said.

He asked all worshippers to prepare for the next week's Hajj pilgrimage and healthy lifestyle, both before leaving and when they are in Makkah and Medina later.

The implementation of Aceh Besar Hajj manasik guidance itself began to be held on Monday-Tuesday (22-23 April 2024) at Al-Faizin Lampeuneurut Mosque in Darul Imarah District. It is hoped that all worshippers will be able to attend and follow the guidance well.

“Maintain health by doing light exercise and maintaining a healthy diet, given that Hajj worship requires energy in its implementation later,” he said.

He added that the process that worshippers will face from embarkation until returning to the homeland requires sufficient stamina. “Hopefully later the worshippers of Greater Aceh will be given strength by Allah SWT during worship and will be able to return to their homeland by

bringing Hajj mabrur,” Saifuddin said.

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