Jumat 25 Sep 2015 15:53 WIB
Insiden Mina

Two Indonesian victims of Mina accident from Probolinggo

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Reuters

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Regional Office of Ministry of Religious Affairs of East Java, confirmed that two of three Indonesian victims of Mina accident were from Probolinggo, East Java, from fleet 48 Surabaya (SUB).

"Until Thursday (25/9) night, the information was still not clear, some said that the victims were from Bojonegoro, Tuban, Probolinggo, and so on," said Head of Public Relations of Regional Office of Ministry of Religious Affairs of East Java Mahsun Zain, in Surabaya, Friday (25/9).

However, the Ministry ensured that there were three Indonesian victims died in hajj stampede in Arab Road 204, Mina. The accident occurred when the pilgrims were on the way to Jamarat to throw Jamrah, Thursday (24/9) morning.

"Two of the three Indonesian victims were from Probolinggo, while another victims was from Batam. In fact, East Java Deputy Governor Saifullah Yusuf H went to Probolinggo, on Friday (25/9) morning," he said.

The two pilgrims who were from Probolinggo, were Hamid Atwi Tarji Rofia Hamid (51 years old) from Surabaya fleet (SUB) 48, male, born in Probolinggo 3rd May 1964, maktab 2, passport number B1467965, and Sumaniro from Surabaya fleet (SUB) 48, born in Triwungan, Kota Anyar, Probolinggo.

"We set out to throw Jamrah from Mina Jadid. Arrived at Road 204, before the bridge, we looked pilgrims piled up from two directions. I saw directly that Mr. Niro died in the accident," he added.

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