Kamis 29 Sep 2016 18:36 WIB

190 groups of Indonesian hajj pilgrims return from Saudi Arabia

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati, Didi Purwadi/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
 Jamaah haji Indonesia yang tergabung dalam pemberangkatan gelombang pertama, mulai pulang kembali ke Tanah Air, Makkah, Sabtu (17/9). (Republika/Amin Madani)
Foto: Republika/ Amin Madani
Jamaah haji Indonesia yang tergabung dalam pemberangkatan gelombang pertama, mulai pulang kembali ke Tanah Air, Makkah, Sabtu (17/9). (Republika/Amin Madani)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKKAH -- At least 50 percent of the total Indonesian hajj pilgrims 2016 have returned to the homeland.

As of Thursday (29/9) at 11.00 am Saudi Arabia time, as much as 76,542 Indonesian hajj pilgrims have departed to Indonesia through King Abdul Aziz International Airport (KAAIA), Jeddah.

Jeddah-Madinah Airport chief Nurul Badruttamam Makkiy, said there were 190 groups (kloter) that had flown into the homeland since the first kloter BDJ-01 that was flown on September 17.

"A total of 77,492 people have returned to the homeland (Indonesia)," Nurul said to Republika.co.id on Thursday (29/9).

Among them, Nurul said, 76,542 were pilgrims and 950 others were officers.

"It means about 50 percent of the total 154,049 Indonesian hajj pilgrims this year have returned to Indonesia," Nurul said.

While the total number of kloter's officers reached 1,151 people.

Nurul also said pilgrims who returned to the country until today are the first group.

"Kloter BTH-14 became the last first group," Nurul said.

Kloter BTH 14 Sintang, Sekadau, North Kayong and Sambas, West Kalimantan will take off on Friday (9/30) at 9:50 pm Saudi Arabia time.

They are scheduled to arrive at Hang Nadim Airport, Batam, Riau Islands, on Saturday (10/1) at 10:50 am local time.

Meanwhile, the second group will depart on Saturday (10/1). Kloter SUB 35 from Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Gresik, and Surabaya became the first kloter and will take off on Saturday at 3:25 Saudi Arabia time.

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