Selasa 24 Jan 2017 17:56 WIB

KPAI reminds the police to be wise in handling Nurul Fahmi's case

Rep: c62, Nasih Nasrullah, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Leader of the Az-Zikra Ustaz Arifin Ilham came to South Jakarta Metro Police to proposed suspension of detention of Nurul Fahmi on Tuesday (January 24).
Foto: Republika/Muhyiddin
Leader of the Az-Zikra Ustaz Arifin Ilham came to South Jakarta Metro Police to proposed suspension of detention of Nurul Fahmi on Tuesday (January 24).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- After being arrested for three nights, Nurul Fahmi (28) was allowed to come home. The police has given a green light to the suspension of detention on Nurul. The suspension of detention was proposed by his law advisor and on Tuesday (January 24), ustaz Arifin Ilham together with the suspect wife came to the South Jakarta Police headquarter. "I'm doing this as solidarity among Muslims," the well known cleric said.

Nurul was surprised to see ustaz Arifin. He did not know him personally. "I was asked to come out of the cell and outside there was ustaz Arifin. The police said the detention was suspended. I thought it was the effort of legal team. I did not know ustaz Arifin also proposed it."

Earlier, Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) reminded the police to consider the aspects of children protection in the case of writing on Indonesian flag with Nurul Fahmi as a suspect. The Chairman, Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh, said the suspect was just blessed with a child.

Asrorun argued that early children needed affection from parents and optimum fulfillment of their basic rights and protection from any interference which could threaten their development, both physically and mentally. He asked the police to be wiser to consider the aspects of children protection on Nurul Fahmi’s case. 

He added, the newborns needed the presence of parents in order to provide optimum care and build a sense of security and socialization with other individuals. Father's involvement as early as possible since the child was born would support the growth of children according to their status and dignity, and would optimize their physical and mental development.

He mentioned that KPAI dealt with many cases due to the absence of parents in giving parental care. "Do not let the police burst a blood vessel," he told in Jakarta on Tuesday (January 24).

According to Asrorun, the commitment to mainstreaming child protection policies in every sector was in line with the spirit of mental revolution by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Through the Presidential Instruction of Mental Revolutionary National Movement in December 2016, Jokowi encouraged the spirit of creating a child-friendly environment at home and at school as a foundation.

Also read: When Indonesian flag is written with sentence of tauhid, Metallica and Kita Indonesia

In the case of Nurul Fahmi, he added, the mainstreaming of child protection needs to be taken into consideration before taking a legal formal action, especially through the arrest. He argued that the arrest of a father with babies who need optimum protection without considering the importance of children development was not wise.

Moreover, he said, the alleged criminal act did not impact on the danger of life or making a victim. "Do not let us to contribute on damaging the generation and on increasing the cases of displaced children as a result of our child-unfriendly policies."

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