Rabu 29 Mar 2017 04:54 WIB

President should listen to people's aspiration in the upcoming 313 rally: GNPF

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Super peaceful rally of Aksi Bela Islam III (Action to Defend Islam) was held at National Monument, Jakarta, Friday (Dec 2, 2016). Action with same mission will be held on March 31, 2017. .
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan Hidayat
Super peaceful rally of Aksi Bela Islam III (Action to Defend Islam) was held at National Monument, Jakarta, Friday (Dec 2, 2016). Action with same mission will be held on March 31, 2017. .

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Muslims Forum (FUI) planned to held a new rally on Friday (March 31). The Coordinator of GNPF MUI’s legal team Kapitra Ampera said that the government could not banned the upcoming even ‘313 rally. He said it would violate the resolution of the Assembly No. 7 year 1998 about Human Rights.  

Furthermore, Kapitra suggest the President should listen to the people's aspiration conveyed during the rally held on Friday (March 31). "The 313 rally aimed at asking the President to dismiss Ahok (Basuki Tjahaja Purnama) from his position as Jakarta governor as he has been a defendant. If the President refused to implement the Constitution, it means that he had violated the law,” said him to Republika.co.id on Tuesday (March 28).

Kapitra said the police should safeguard the upcoming rally. Police should not ban it. However, in delivering their aspirations, the demonstrators should not involve any violence and vandalism.

“Our country is a law-based country. Not a power-based. Every citizen has freedom to deliver his/her aspiration as long as it is not breaking the rules. If the government bans it, it means they did a state crime,” he said.

The rally aimed at making the President listen to the ‘people’s aspiration. He said the President should apply the Constitution and not interpreting the rally as a tool to disunite the nation.

Kapitra said the House of Representatives should use all its right to dismiss Ahok when the President did not follow it up. “The House of Representatives should not be blunt. They were the people’s representatives, representing the voice of the society,” he said.

A number of demonstration was held after Ahok in his official visit to Seribu Island mentioned Al Maidah verse 51 was used to deceive people. He also called whoever teaches the verse as a guidance for Muslims in chosing a leader, was a liar.

The spokesperson of National Police Comm. Martinus Sitompul said the demonstration should not disrupt people’s activities. “For us, all the people’s activities should be managed so it would run well. And the other people’s activities would also run safely and well,” he said in South Jakarta on Monday (March 27).

Meanwhile, the Deputy Secretary General of Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) Zaitun Rasmin was reluctant to comment on the rally. He prayed that there would be a best way to have a resolution.  “I don’t want to comment on that. We prayed that there would be a better solution,” he said on Tuesday.

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