Senin 08 May 2017 18:29 WIB

MUI Palu city advices religious leaders to defend state ideology

The coat of arms of Indonesia, Garuda Pancasila (illustration)
The coat of arms of Indonesia, Garuda Pancasila (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALU -- The Palu city branch of the Indonesian Council of Islamic Scholars (MUI), Central Sulawesi, told religious leaders in the region to be united in defending the state ideology Pancasila and the integrity of the Unitary State of Indonesia.

Chairman of the Palu MUI Prof. Dr. H. Zainal Abidin said Pancasila as a state ideology has to be defended and may not be replaced with other ideology. 

"Pancasila has become a principle that units us as a nation under the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," the professor said. 

The expert in modern Islam noted there were lately certain groups organizing move against the state ideology and the motto of Unity in Diversity.

The motto of Unity in Diversity in the Unitary State needs to be strengthened and improved in quality by involving religious leaders of all faiths, he said. 

He said the threat has to be seriously addressed before it is out of control, adding participation and involvement of religious leaders is determinant to defend the state and the state philosophy.

"Religious leaders - Islam, Christian, Hindu and Buddha, etc.- should need to take active participation in maintaining the national integrity," he said. 

The rector of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Palu described the threat to national integrity as serious that has to be dealt with seriously in addition to intolerance, radicalism and group that seeks to replace Pancasila. 

"MUI as a religious proselytizing agency would come to the people to ask them to maintain and promote religious harmony," he said. 


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