Rabu 23 Aug 2017 00:05 WIB

MUI chairman spreads Indonesian Islam in the Netherlands

Chairman of MUI KH. Ma'ruf Amin
Foto: ROL
Chairman of MUI KH. Ma'ruf Amin

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON -- Chairman of the Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) KH Maruf Amin paid a working visit to the Netherlands in an effort to spread Indonesian Islam in the state.

Amin was accompanied by Deputy Head of Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama, the Indonesia's largest Islamic organization, KH Mifthaul Akhyar, and Secretary General of MUI of Jakarta KH Zulfa Mustofa

During the visit, Kiai Ma'ruf and his entourage met Indonesian Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands I Gusti A Wesaka Puja at the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague on Monday.

Counselor Protocol and Consular Affairs of Indonesian Embassy in The Hague June Kuncoro Hadiningrat stated here on Tuesday that Puja and Kiai Ma'ruf discussed the condition of Islam in Europe during the meeting.

They also discussed about the rise of terrorism in the name of Islam, the Islamphobia in Europe, and the need to disseminate the concept of Indonesian Islam, as a religion that brings mercy and prosperity to the entire universe, to be an alternative Islamic model for the European community.

Kiai Ma'ruf's main activity in the Netherlands was to attend the Halal Food International Seminar themed "Future Challenges in Halal Paradigm: Toward Integration of Sustainability and Fairness in the Concept of Halal Food" at Wageningen University on Aug 23.

In addition, Kiai Ma'ruf also conducted a series of activities, including a general sermon at the PPME Al Ikhlas Mosque in Amsterdam, a dinner with the Indonesian Ambassador and the Islamic community in the Netherlands, mass chants in praise of God in the PPME Al Hikmah Mosque in The Hague, and observation of the life of the Islamic communities in France and Belgium, to spread Indonesian Islam in the Netherlands.

When receiving the MUI delegation, Puja was accompanied by the Deputy Head of Indonesian Representatives, Coordinator of Protocol and Consular functions, and Police Attaché, among others.

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