Selasa 02 Jan 2018 18:59 WIB

We must eliminate suspicion: Gus Sholah

Rep: Muhyiddin, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
The leader of Tebuireng Islamic boarding school, Sholahuddin Wahid or Gus Sholah
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
The leader of Tebuireng Islamic boarding school, Sholahuddin Wahid or Gus Sholah

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The leader of Tebuireng Islamic boarding school, Sholahuddin Wahid or Gus Sholah asked for Muslims and non muslims groups to eliminate suspicion in order not to be easily divided. Moreover in 2018 we will face a political year which is full of interests. 

"Inter-Islamic groups and inter groups outside of Islam must maintain relationships, we must eliminate suspicion," he said when giving a lecture at At-Tin mosque, TMII, East Jakarta on Sunday, December 31, 2017.

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Gus Sholah said, in the future inter-religious people must not judge each other and promote mutual respect. According to him, if the people don't respect each other, then it will only end with a war of words, which can lead to disunity. 

"If we attack each other there will be war of words which potentially to split all of us," he said.

Gus Sholah explained, in the year 2017, there were quite a lot of people who think Islamophobia has been rising in Indonesia. However, he hoped it does not really happen. 

"ˇhere are people who think so. Hopefully that is not true and if it's true, hopefully the government is aware of it," said Gus Sholah.

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