Senin 12 Feb 2018 15:12 WIB

President Jokowi to open the 30th HMI Congress in Ambon

It will be President's Jokowi third visits to Ambon.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Gubernur Maluku Said Assagaff
Foto: Antara/Embong Salampessy
Gubernur Maluku Said Assagaff

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, AMBON -- Maluku Governor Said Assagaff confirmed President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will attend and inaugurate the 30th Islamic Students Association (HMI) Congress in Ambon City on next February 14. Thousands of HMI cadres from all provinces in Indonesia are expected to attend the event, which is first held in the capital of Maluku Province.

The Presidential Palace has confirmed that President Jokowi with a number of ministers will arrive in Ambon city on February 13, said Said on Monday (Feb 12).

Said appreciated the presidents visit for the third time to Ambon. He assessed it was as a proof of Jokowis concern on the development progress in Maluku Province. Previously, Jokowi attended National Press Day on February 9, 2017 and then he opened Tanwir Muhammadiyah event in Ambon on February 24, 2017.

"The presence of president, together with a number of ministers in Ambon needed to be appreciated and welcomed by the entire Moluccas communities because it will have a major impact for the progress of development in this area," Said added.

President Jokowi is scheduled to open the 30th HMI Congress at Pattimura University (Unpatti). In addition, he would also review the cash-for-works program in Batu Merah, which is the 250 meters long river normalization.

He also scheduled to inaugurate Hindu and Buddisht Center buildings which will be centred in Siwalima Museum area, Taman Makmur Ambon. The construction of these two buildings have been completed since the end 2017.

President Jokowi is also scheduled to visit Gemba Village, Kairatu District, West Seram District (SBB) to see a number of labor-intensive programs implemented in the area of rice development center. He will also distribute Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS), Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) and free land certificates for the people in the area.


sumber : Antara
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