Jumat 13 Apr 2012 23:27 WIB

Indonesia ratifies convention on migrant workers

Rep: Indah Wulandari/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Indonesian workers from Bali are ready to depart to 22 destination countries, to work in hotel and sailing sectors.
Foto: Antara/Nyoman Budhiana
Indonesian workers from Bali are ready to depart to 22 destination countries, to work in hotel and sailing sectors.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Indonesia officially became the 46th state ratifying the International convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marty Natalegawa, said on Thursday. House of Representatives signed the convention into law through plenary session on Thursday.

“It strengthens Indonesian position as a country boosting the creation of strong instrument on protection of regional or global migrant workers.” Natalegawa said before the 324 members of board.

The ratification is the realization of government’s commitment in increasing the protection on Indonesian workers working abroad and respect to workers and their family members’ rights. It is hoped to boost the development of bilateral, regional, and multilateral relationship for the protection and right fulfillment of the workers.

“It becomes government’s priority to protect the rights of migrant workers. This is state’s responsibility. It is constitutional mandate,” he said.

A member of Commission IX in House, Herlini Amran, said that she hailed the ratification of the convention. “I hope with the ratification, it could boost the Indonesian bargain to protect migrant workers,” Amran said.

“It is important that Indonesian representatives prepare the effective protection because the migrant workers case is often discovered after they are sentenced to death. And sometimes their rights are ignored,” she said. 




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