Ahad 29 Apr 2012 22:26 WIB

Now exporting cigarette is harder for Indonesia

Rep: Dwi Murdaningsih/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Cigarette (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Andreas Fitri Atmoko
Cigarette (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia faces some difficulties to export cigarette with clove-flavored tobacco as some countries issue some tighter policy on cigarette import. After US and Brazil issued a ban on Indonesian flavored cigarette import, Australia will follow. 

In Australian case, the country plans to design a plain tobacco packaging in attempt to reduce the number of smokers. The less attractive, the less buyers.   

"Every package in Australia will be green. It is unattractive," the Director General of Cooperation of International Trade in the Ministry of Trade, Iman Pambagyo, said on Saturday.

Also, all cigarettes in Australia will use the simliar package and trademark. Indonesia had raised an objection, he said.

“The plan was proposed to the Australian parliament," he said. Other countries also object to the policy.

Earlier, US banned Indonesian flavored cigarette. US considered that it did not fit with their export rule since the country had a policy on banning flavored cigarettes. Yet, menthol cigarette is still sold in the country.

"This is discrimination. The World Trade Organization (WTO) agrees with Indonesian's appeal to open the export its cigarette to US," he said.



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