Rabu 13 Jun 2012 20:49 WIB

Indonesia to ILO: We need global coalition

Rep: Erdy Nasrul/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Some workers are sewing in a textile manufacture in tegal, Central Java. Indonesian government needs to work harder to tackle unemployment in this country. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Oky Lukmansyah
Some workers are sewing in a textile manufacture in tegal, Central Java. Indonesian government needs to work harder to tackle unemployment in this country. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, Muhaimin Iskandar, urged the members of International Labour Organization (ILO) to form a global coalition to tackle the problem of unemployment. He said that it was important to solve the critical problem on job opportunity for the youth in the world.

"Transnational cooperation is needed to prevent the increasing number of unemployment among the youth. It also should become a special attention and main priority to determine the policies on manpower," Iskandar said on Wednesday on his text to Republika.

He added that the crisis of job employment for the youth would happen continuously and could lead to the bigger unemployment. "Repeating President's speech in ILO last year, I emphasize the importance of investing in the sectors that can produce many job opportunities for the youth," he said.

ILO states that about 75 million youth in the world or about 12.7 percent from the total of world population aged from 15 to 24 will be unemployed in 2012. The number is increasing from 2011, which is 12.6 percent.





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