Ahad 24 Jun 2012 22:49 WIB

Indonesia: Tightening export to protect environment

Before tightening the export on mining resources, the government had previously banned the export of logs, which had drawn protests from various quarters. The picture shows flood and environmental destruction, caused by illegal logging in Maili, Luwu Timur
Foto: Antara/Sahrul Manda Tikupadang
Before tightening the export on mining resources, the government had previously banned the export of logs, which had drawn protests from various quarters. The picture shows flood and environmental destruction, caused by illegal logging in Maili, Luwu Timur

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia`s decision to tighten the export of its mining products does not go against the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement, according to a trade ministry official. "The regulation is not against the WTO agreement, because export bans are allowed for security, safety, health and environment reasons, and this regulation has been issued to protect the environment," the director general of foreign trade, Deddy Saleh, said recently.

The trade ministry issued Trade Minister Regulation Number 29/MDAG/PER/5/2012, on conditions for export of mining products, effective as of May 7, as part of its efforts to put the mining business in order. "Our mining industry tends to be exploited too much, so the government wishes to put a check on that to ensure the sustainability of mining resources," Deddy said.

He noted that the government had previously banned the export of logs, which had drawn protests from various quarters. However, Deddy added, the government continued with the ban for the sake of protecting the country`s forests.

"We will take the same line of approach to ensure that our mining resources are not over-exploited. Indeed there are economic reasons involved in the effort. Increasing the added value of mining products will open up more jobs," he explained.

Besides the trade minister`s regulation, the government has also issued an energy and mineral resources ministerial regulation -aimed at increasing the added value of minerals- that requires miners to develop smelters in the country. Japan sent a complaint to the Directorate General of Minerals and Coal in the light of the recent regulations in Indonesia. However, Deddy said, the ministry had not received any formal complaint from other countries yet in connection with the regulations.



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