Selasa 13 Nov 2012 20:30 WIB

Indonesia unlikely to reach 2012 export target

Rep: Dwi Murdaningsih/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Cargo loading activities at Jakarta International Container Terminal, Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta (file photo)
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Cargo loading activities at Jakarta International Container Terminal, Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian Minister of Trade Gita Wirjawan is unsure that Indonesia can reach 2012 export target of 203 billion USD. Indonesia is predicted to reach only 190 to 200 billion USD until the end of the year.

Even though the total exports fell five to seven percents from the target, Minister Wirjawan is still pleased due to surplus trade transaction. "Trade surplus can reach two billion USD," Wirjawan said on Monday. 

Trade balance during January-September is surplus to 1.1 billion USD. Dute to global economic slowdown, Wirjaman is pessimistic that next year export target will be reached. He said that he was able to predict the export value of 2013 by the end of 2012.

Indonesia, he said, must study the current condition in every country to portray the export, for instance, the export to China. The export to China in October is increasing to 11 percent. He hopes that the increasing was caused by global economic recovery.

Wirjawan said economic recovery in European Union depended on the meeting and agreement of 27 state members. He also expects US to take a step to decrease budget deficit.




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