REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Women Entrepreneurs encourages women to compete in the upcoming ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015. While about 60 percent of 50 millions microbusiness owned by female entrepremeurs.
"Indonesia has 50 million microbusiness and about 60 percent of them owned by women. It means that female entrepreneurs are potential in this country," the Head of the Association of Indonesian Women Entrepreneurs, Nita Yudi, said on Friday.
AEC 2015, a forum where all countries in ASEAN can do business anywhere in the region, requires people to compete harder. "We will keep encouraging women to compete and revitalize their potency," she said.
Innovation is also one of the most important points to compete globally. "Therefore, women entrepreneurs must enhance their self potency," she said.
AEC 2015 also obliges every products and services to meet several requirements, such as quality certification. She said that the association would help women entrepreneurs to get the certification as well as provide training and financing.