REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Association of Indonesian Palm Oil Entrepreneurs (GAPKIi) admitted that Indonesian CPO might draw criticism from a number of parties including developed countries of vegetable oil producers. Head of Legal Department at GAPKI, Tungkot Sipayung said Indonesian CPO was under scutiny since global warming issue sparked.
"In 2005 there was an accusation that Indonesia had caused the global warming," Sipayung said on Saturday.
He argued that those charges were baseless, but the issue was snowballling these days.
Sipayung said that the biggest source of climate change emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) in 10 countries including China, United States (US), and India. Those countries emitted CO2 gas as much as 52 to 73 percent of total CO2 emissions from 1960 to 2010.
"While Indonesia only contributed for 1.3 percent," he said.
Secretary General of GAPKI, Joko Supriyono said that palm oil plantations gave live to four million people in Indonesia. Indonesia and Malaysia dominated world markets by 27 percent. The reason spark criticims from vegetable producers toward Indonesia.
"Even these days, some vegetable oil producer countries like US, Europe, and Australia try to hinder Indonesian palm oil plantations," Supriyono said.
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