Senin 26 Aug 2013 00:19 WIB

Seventy thousand Indonesians suffer from kidney failure

Rep: Lingga Permesti/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A patient undergoes hemodialysis in a hospital in Surabaya, East Java. Seventy thousand Indonesians suffer from kidney failure caused by diabetes and hypertension due to poor quality food.  (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Eric Ireng
A patient undergoes hemodialysis in a hospital in Surabaya, East Java. Seventy thousand Indonesians suffer from kidney failure caused by diabetes and hypertension due to poor quality food. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG - Seventy thousand Indonesians suffer from kidney failure. Most the cases are caused by diabetes and hypertension due to poor quality food. 

"Some foods containing formalin and drug (to cure impotence)," Director General of Health Efforts in Ministry of Healthy, Akmal Taher said on Sunday.

Most of health insurances paid by government use for hemodialysis or dialysis. However, the insurance cannot fully cover the procedure because the number of people with kidney failure increases every year.

The level of awarenes on kidney disease and hemodialysis are still low among Indonesian people. One procedure to reduce number of people with kidney failure is through kidney transplantation. Unfortunately, only 800 people in Indonesia have had kidney transplantation due to limited human resources and facilities.

Chief Medical Officer of West Java Provincial Government, Luciati Alma said there were 7,500 people in West Java alone with kidney failure. They undergo dialysis one to two times a week. 


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