Jumat 30 Aug 2013 11:07 WIB

BI issues regulation on FCTD and SDBI

Rep: Satya Festiani/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Bank Indonesia issues new regulations on implementation of extention of Foreign Currency Term Deposit (FCTD), relaxation of provision of foreign curency purchases, as well as issuance of Bank Indonesia Certificates of Deposit (SDBI)  to maintain macroeconomy. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra
Bank Indonesia issues new regulations on implementation of extention of Foreign Currency Term Deposit (FCTD), relaxation of provision of foreign curency purchases, as well as issuance of Bank Indonesia Certificates of Deposit (SDBI) to maintain macroeconomy. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia published regulation related to implementation of extention of Foreign Currency Term Deposit (FCTD), relaxation of provision of foreign curency purchases, as well as issuance of Bank Indonesia Certificates of Deposit (SDBI). These regulation are part of implementation of BI policies to maintain macroeconomic stability.

Regulations are issued namely Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 15/5/PBI/2013 and four circular letters of BI (No. 15/30/DPM, No. 15/31/DPM, No. 15/32/DPM and No. 15/33/DPM). 

"Bank will have more flexibility in liquidity management," Executive Director of Department of Communications in BI, Difi A Johansyah said on Thursday.

SDBI will complement securities instruments that are used in monetary operations. Each instrument has a characteristic. SDBI is different from Bank Indonesia Certificate (SBI). SDBI has a tenor of one day to 12 months. SDBI can only be owned by bank and can only be transferred between banks.

Extention of FCTD aims to increase foreign currency supply in order to effectively deepen financial markets. Their periods are changed from seven, 14 days and 30 days to one day to 12 months. 



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