Ahad 15 Sep 2013 06:22 WIB

EU biofuel policy threatens Indonesian export

Biofuel (illustration)
Biofuel (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - New European Union (EU) policy to decrease the use of biofuel threatens Indonesian industries as the exporter of biofuel.

European Parliament Plenary Session held in Strasburg, France, decided that consumption of biofuel in EU countries should not be more than six percent of 10 percent total consumption of EU's renewable energy use in transportation sector by 2020. Indonesian Ambassador to Brussel, Arif Havas Oegroseno said that Indonesia was among biofuel importer countries in EU.

Indonesia recorded export of biofuel to EU countries reached 2.6 million metric tonnes in 2012. EU Parliament discussed Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) as an element in calculation of figure of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from biofuel. 

Yet, some argue that such calculation lacks of scientific data. Therefore, EU Parliament decided to discuss issues related to new policy of EU biofuel in Plenary Session of EU Parliament 2015.

Corrine Lepage from France said she had received a petition and inputs from various groups including farmers and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), such as Indonesian Forum for Environment (Walhi), Palm Oil Watch and European NGO Coalition. They agreed to deny entry of Indonesian biofuel to Europe.

"Demands to stop imports of Indonesian palm oil by Indonesian NGOs to protect interest of foreign industry and foreign farmers are such new phenomenon," Oegroseno said recently.

Indonesia currently has 26 biofuel refineries that spend investment of 2.7 billion USD for construction. To anticipate the EU policy, Indonesia must promote biofuel use in its domestic market. 

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