Sabtu 12 Oct 2013 04:26 WIB

BI Hopes Yellen's nomination means continous the Fed's QE

Rep: Satya Festiani/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Ajeng Ritzki Pitakasari
Janet Yellen
Janet Yellen

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - President of United States (US), Barack Obama would nominate Deputy Governor of Federal Reserve (the Fed), Janet Yellen to suceed Ben Bernanke as the Fed's number one. If confirmed by the U.S Senate, Yellen was expected to not being hasty in tapering quantitative easing (QE).

"Market hopes Yellen will be more careful in reducing stimulus program to minimize negative impacts of such policy on developing countries," said Mirza Adityaswara, Deputy Governor of BI on Friday.

The nomination was widely believe to provide some relief to already nervous market. Adityaswara said financial market seemed to give warm welcome to the nomination and reacted favorably. Rupiah remained relatively stable to the US dollar. BI's middle rate noted on Friday that rupiah was traded at 11,475 IDR per USD, climbed 67 points from previous day.

Meanwhile in domestic side, inflation was considered under control. Adityaswara said BI continued to monitor balance of payments situation and inflation. He hoped in third quarter Indonesia's balance of payments would show a better figure than the second quarter's.

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