Jumat 25 Oct 2013 19:43 WIB

Govt says improved investment trends

Rep: Fauziah Meiliani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
 Pekerja menyelesaikan proyek perawatan dan perbaikan Air Mancur Bundaran HI, Jakarta, Jumat (25/10).   ( Republika/Yasin Habibi)
Pekerja menyelesaikan proyek perawatan dan perbaikan Air Mancur Bundaran HI, Jakarta, Jumat (25/10). ( Republika/Yasin Habibi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian government indicated the economy is getting better, though still struggling in the current account deficit (CAD). Investment figure until the third quarter has reached above 100 trillion IDR. "In term of growth, it increased 33 trillion IDR, and national private sector were dominated," Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Hatta Rajasa, Friday (25/10).

Compared to last year, the amount of investment during January to September increased. There is an increase of 27 percent or a total of 293.3 trillion IDR. Only 199.3 trillion IDR injected by foreign investment (PMA).

But he admitted, there is still a lot of homework to be addressed. Moreover, the international community continues to monitor our market movement. "I believe the current deficit would be well above 44 percent.  It will be a major concern the world; how far the government can control the current account deficit," he said.

Based on the APEC meeting, it appears that the concept of trade liberalization were widely open. If it is not examined properly, then Indonesia can be encountered with a trade deficit. It is the role of investors to maintain Indonesia's trade to remain balanced in the era of free trade, he said.

In addition, Indonesia has a productive middle class. But the competence of middle-class should be boosted to allow them dominate domestic market. The feature is the main attraction for many countries to invest in Indonesia.

The Government also supports their role by reducing inflation. Infrastructure development continues to be encouraged, so foreign investors increasingly interested on investing in Indonesia, he said.

Ed: Nidia Zuraya

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