Jumat 20 Dec 2013 14:12 WIB

Matahari opens 125th outlet in Yogyakarta

Rep: Yulianingsih/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Logo Matahari Department Store
Logo Matahari Department Store

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA -- PT Matahari Department Store (MDS) - one of Indonesia's leading department stores - is once again expanding its network by opening its 125th outlet in Jogja City Mal building, Yogyakarta. This is the fourth Matahari outlet in Yogyakarta.

Store Operation Director Matahari, Sani Setiawan explained that Matahari committed to open 10 to 15 new stores in Indonesia every year. Matahari developed in Yogyakarta since 15 years ago.

"Our first outlet was opened in Malioboro 15 years ago," Setiawan said recently.

Matahari has opened nine new outlets in Indonesia this year. It aims to get closer to its customers. In Jogja City Mal, Matahari Department Store occupies an area of 6,300 square meters with two floors. About 30 percent of this area is still under construction. Matahari Jogja City Mall has 400 employees and 95 percent of them are Yogyakarta residents.

The retail company has involved 600 supplier and 57 thousand employees in its 125 outlets in Indonesia. At the opening of 125th outlet in Yogyakarta, Matahari provided big discounts for its customers. Setiawan said that although they would give a great discount, the company committed to maintain its quality.

Commissioner of PT Garuda Mitra Sejati as owner of Jogja City Mall GBPH Hadiwinoto said that the presence of Matahari in the mall would provide its own color for trade business climate in Yogyakarta, especially in north of Yogyakarta. It also creates new jobs for workers in the province. It will fully operate in 2014.

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