Jumat 25 Apr 2014 06:17 WIB

Bakrie telecom posts 210.7 billion IDR of net profit

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Bakrie telecom
Bakrie telecom

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian telecommunication operator, Bakrie Telecom posted a net profit of 210.7 billion IDR in the first quarter of 2014, increased from 97.5 billion loss in same period last year. Director and CFO Bakrie Telecom, Bachder Bachtarudin said that company managed to reduce operating expenses by 14 percent.

"It was coupled with the increasing number of Esia's customers up to 12.258 million subscribers, an increase from 11,651 million subscribers in last year,' Bachtarudin said recently.

An improved performance of Bakrie Telecom cannot be separated with operational efficiency and the effective network optimization in the area since 2012, which made an increase in number of customers. Company remains consistently performing the improvements in customer service through innovative programs based on customer's need.

"We expect this good performance can continue to maintain company in future," Bachtarudin said.

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