Selasa 13 May 2014 11:31 WIB

IRESS call for revision of tin trade regulation

Tin raw materials
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Tin raw materials

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Director of Indonesian Resources Studies (IRESS) Marwan Batubara asked the government to revise the trade minister regulation No. 32 of 2013 on tin export to prevent cartel control of tin trade.

"It has to be revised or to be promoted into a presidential regulation (Perpres)," Marwan said here on Tuesday.

He said the ministerial regulation caused difficulties in tin trade as it could lead to illegal exports and Mafia like practices hurting the state and other tin companies.

The ministerial regulation No.32 of 2013 authorizes the Indonesian Commodity and Derivative Exchange to handle tin exports.

The exchange has been accused of practicing cartel by small amd medium tin companies.

Tin smuggle has became rampant and the Navy investigated 176 containers of tin in the sea off Batam early March 2014 that drew criticism accusing the navy of abuse of power.

Earlier, a legal expert from the University of Indonesia Dian Puji Simatupang said it was time for tin trade to be regulated under the law regulations at a level of presidential regulation not a ministerial regulation.

Dian said Perpres is needed for accountability and to prevent allegation that the trade ministry has taken advantage of tin trade through the Indonesian Commodity and Derivative Exchange (BKDI).

Meanwhile, foreign trade director general Bachrul Chairi said the process of revising the trade minister regulation is almost wrapped up, but he could not gave date when a new regulation of the trade minister is to be issued.

He said the revision would be a confirmation of the present regulation including the possibility of BKDI retaining the right to export tin.

Indonesia is one of the world's largest tin producers and exporters.

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