Selasa 08 Jul 2014 12:25 WIB

Garuda Indonesia to review travel agency's rules

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Penambahan Kursi Lebaran. Pesawat milik maskapai Garuda Indonesia parkir di Terminal 2 Bandara Internsional Soekarno-Hatta, Banten, Ahad (29/6).
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
Penambahan Kursi Lebaran. Pesawat milik maskapai Garuda Indonesia parkir di Terminal 2 Bandara Internsional Soekarno-Hatta, Banten, Ahad (29/6).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKANBARU -- Garuda Indonesia Branch Office Pekanbaru to review a number of rules to be more friendly to small and micro enterprises (SMEs), especially travel agencies in Riau. General Manager of Garuda Indonesia Branch Office Pekanbaru, Mohammad R Pahlevi will learn more about unfriendly policies to SMEs.

"There are some policies and we will evaluate it," Pahlevi said recently.

Chairman of Association of Indonesian Airlines Ticketing Agencies (Astindo) in Riau, Sutardie said that the state owned company did not yet fully support travel agencies in Riau.

"Garuda Indonesia provides up to 20 percent discount to consumers, while only five percent of the ticket purchased to travel agents," Sutardie said.

In fact, travel agencies sold more than 60 percent of Garuda's ticket sales in Riau. Garuda made large contribution in supporting the business activity.

Majority of travel agencies in Riau are SMEs with average capital of 50 million IDR. They required attention from the state owned airline company. Garuda also never took travel agencies to promote Riau and other areas.

"We are business partners. Garuda may be able to live without travel agencies, but it does not mean that travel agencies do not support Garuda in their ticket sales," Sutardie added.

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