Jumat 28 Nov 2014 08:24 WIB

New BKPM chief vows to create favorable investment climate

The new instaled investment agency chief, Franky Sibarani (file)
Foto: Document
The new instaled investment agency chief, Franky Sibarani (file)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- New Chairman of The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Franky Sibarani has pledged to create a favorable investment climate starting from his institution.

"Previously, I build good investment climate outside. Now in BKPM, I will improve the investment climate through a simple, fast, transparent and integrated permit procedure," Sibarani said here on Thursday.

Franky Sibarani was the director of PT Garuda Food. He was active in the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) and Indonesia Food and Beverage Association(Gapmmi). As a businessman, he criticized the government's policies.

"All this time I was active in the business world, fighting from the outside. Now, we will build from within," he said.

Based on the president's direction, he was asked to create a favorable investment climate. One of them was to simplify the licensing procedure under a single window.

He admitted that the licensing was the biggest obstacle faced by employers. The single-window licensing system is be the next BKPM's challenge, according to Sibarani. He, however, said that he was not yet able to translate the implementation of the single window licensing system.

"I will get exposure from BKPM's team on Friday (November 28), followed by a meeting with two coordinating ministers, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs," he stated.

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