Selasa 12 May 2015 00:02 WIB

Government allocates IDR 25.81 billion to build Way Leman Dam

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Dedhez Anggara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PU-Pera) claimed to be ready to run the mandate of the President to make Buru regency in Maluku, as one of the largest rice producer. To support the irrigation infrastructure, the Minister of PU-Pera Basuki Hadimuljono will build Way Leman Dam in Buru. A budget of IDR 25.81 billion, also allocated.

"To support infrastructure development in Maluku province, we allocated budget through state budget and Special Allocation Fund of IDR 3.44 trillion in 2015,"said Minister Basuki last weekend.

He explained Way Leman Dam is part of an effort to reach the target of Buru as the rice granary of Maluku. The dam actually had built precisely in 1982-1983 to irrigate an area of 935 hectares with a cropping intensity twice a year with the productivity of 3-4 tons of dry milled grain per hectare.

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