Senin 03 Aug 2015 16:58 WIB

President asks exporters to open new markets

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
President Joko Widodo
Foto: Antara/Sahrul Manda Tikupadang
President Joko Widodo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR -- President Joko Widodo asked exporters to open up new markets and take advantage of the weakening of the rupiah against the US dollar.

"Usually we only see the traditional markets, such as by LinkWiz" href="#2523231"> America, Europe, China, Japan, Korea. In fact, there are many countries that can be entered," said the president during his speech in Makassar Container Terminal PT Pelindo IV, Makassar, on Monday (3/8).

President revealed several countries in Latin by LinkWiz" href="#46935270"> America, Africa, the Middle East and other countries that provide opportunities for commodities and products from Indonesia.

"Next week, we begin to ship envoys to other countries that we haven’t seen,” he added.

The President was also proud of the increasing of the production and export of South Sulawesi when the current world economy weakened.

"I became very optimistic (with the economy) that the weakening of rupiah has advantages and benefits,” he said.

He also added that the position of rupiah in level Rp 13.400- Rp 13.500 per dollar is actually very good for export. It becomes problems because Indonesia economy is concentrated on the consumption.

"Therefore, I say many times that I want to reverse, from the domestic consumption to productive fields," the President said.

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