Selasa 05 Jan 2016 15:27 WIB

Two gold mining to be operated in South Sulawesi

Rep: Fira Nursya'bani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR -- South Sulawesi would continue to strengthen the economy in the field of mining. In the near future, two gold mining companies, PT Masmindo and PT Citra Palu Mining would soon be operated in North Luwu, South Sulawesi. Both were planning to carry out production activities in 2016.

Secretary of Department of Energy and Mineral Resources Syamsul Bahri said, permission to the two companies was in the form of work contracts issued by the central government. Meanwhile, the production area of ​​the companies reaches more than one thousand hectares.

"Currently, PT Masmindo has been in the stage of clearing of land and pre-construction of smelter. While PT Citra Palu Mining is at exploration stage. And if it is realized, PT Masmindo will be the first company to have a gold smelter in South Sulawesi," said Syamsul, Monday (4/1).

Syamsul explained, South Sulawesi has large potential of copper and gold mine. In fact, almost every district/city in South Sulawesi has potential of copper and gold, ranging from Bone, Sinjai, Bulukumba, Maros, Enrekang, and Wajo.

"In the future, Bone, Sinjai and Bulukumba would be an area of ​​prospective investment of copper and gold," he continued.

However, investors were not yet keen to invest in development of gold mining in the province. They were still awaiting for further steps taken by South Sulawesi provincial government and other companies.

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