Kamis 16 Feb 2017 00:05 WIB

Jakarta gubernatorial race runs smoothly: Police

Kapolda Metro Jaya Irjen Pol M Iriawan (kanan) berbincang dengan Pangdam Jaya/Jayakarta Mayjen TNI Teddy Lhaksmana (kiri) seusai melakukan pertemuan di Markas Kodam Jaya/Jayakarta, Jakarta, Senin (13/2).
Foto: Antara/Widodo S. Jusuf
Kapolda Metro Jaya Irjen Pol M Iriawan (kanan) berbincang dengan Pangdam Jaya/Jayakarta Mayjen TNI Teddy Lhaksmana (kiri) seusai melakukan pertemuan di Markas Kodam Jaya/Jayakarta, Jakarta, Senin (13/2).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta Regional Police Chief Inspector General M Iriawan said that the regional head election in Jakarta ran smoothly without any disturbance on Wednesday. "The situation in Jakarta is secure and favorable," Iriawan said in Jakarta on Wednesday.

The Jakarta Police Chief took the opportunity to observe and monitor the polling and counting process at a number of polling stations (TPS) in Jakarta. He called on the contestants to accept the results of the election and to file a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court (MK) if they were not satisfied with the process.

Iriawan stated that over the weekend around 30 thousand joint security forces from the military, police, city administration police, and personnel from mass organizations would be deployed to secure the Jakarta gubernatorial election. "The Indonesian Police will deploy around 23 thousand personnel, while the TNI (military) will station 5 thousand personnel. The number may reach 30 thousand and hence, people should feel safe," Iriawan, chief of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police Command, stated in Jakarta on Saturday.

The security forces were gathered at the National Monument Square for a roll call ahead of the elections. Iriawan noted that Jakartans are smart and critical people who will certainly hope for a peaceful democratic process. Hence, he was convinced that the election would run smoothly. "With or without threats, we will continue to take anticipatory measures. Indeed, we have received information on it (the threat), but if it happens, it will be handled through legal avenues," he remarked.

He added that the security forces and all community members have been working together to ensure a smooth election. "I reiterate that anyone seeking to disrupt (the election process) will be dealt with. However, I believe no one wants to," he said.

Jakarta regional military command's chief Major General Teddy Lhaksmana remarked that maintaining peace in Jakarta will be the main goal, and the TNI was ready to deploy as many of its personnel as necessary to secure the capital city.

He reiterated that he had urged his personnel to maintain discipline and follow orders on the field to ensure efficient and effective implementation of the election. He also stated that TNI will remain neutral in the election. "I support the chief of the regional police command. Step up measures so as to anticipate conditions on the field. Do not be caught off-guard. If it happens, all security measures that have been taken will become futile," he cautioned.

sumber : Antara
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