Jumat 12 Jan 2018 02:40 WIB

BPN refuses to repeal HGB of reclamation islets

Rep: Mas Alamil Huda, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Surat terkait Hak Guna Bangunan untuk pihak ketiga di Pulau C, D, dan G (pulau reklamasi) yang dilayangkan Gubernur DKI Jakarta kepada BPN.
Foto: Istimewa
Surat terkait Hak Guna Bangunan untuk pihak ketiga di Pulau C, D, dan G (pulau reklamasi) yang dilayangkan Gubernur DKI Jakarta kepada BPN.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ministry of Agrarian Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (BPN) refused to repeal rights to build (HGB) of reclamation islets on Jakarta Bay. BPN has assessed that the issuance of HGB was in accordance with the legal procedures.

"The issuance of HGB over the Management Rights (HPL) of Islet D was carried out based on the request of Jakarta Provincial Government and it's in accordance with the provisions of the prevailing land administration," said BPN in a statement on Thursday (January 11).

BPN also advised Jakarta Provincial Government to take the legal step through State Administrative Court (PTUN), in order to repeal HGB certificate of the reclamation islets. The ministry said, they had non-retroactive stance, which could not repeal the agreement unilaterally.

Meanwhile, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has not give further respond yet about BPN decision. He said, he will wait for the official letter from BPN related to his administration request to postpone or repeal HGB of reclamation islets.

He also insisted that the issuance of HGB for islet D was not fit the procedue. According to him, before the issuance of certificate, there must be local regulation (perda) first. In fact, local regulations related to reclamation on Jakarta Bay is currently withdrawn by the provincial government to be renewed.

"So if we look about local regulation on Zoning, it's still not exist yet and we can't manage the land if local regulation still in the process," Anies explained.

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