Kamis 24 May 2012 22:28 WIB

Minister: Two other clemency recipients besides Corby

Rep: Esthi Maharani/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
In a photo file, Schapelle Leigh Corby (center), who is currently serving 20 years in an Indonesian prison for drug smuggling, is escorted by police officers after her appeal hearing at the district court in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. A court official says
Foto: AP/Firdia LisnawatiREPUBLIKA.CO.ID,
In a photo file, Schapelle Leigh Corby (center), who is currently serving 20 years in an Indonesian prison for drug smuggling, is escorted by police officers after her appeal hearing at the district court in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. A court official says

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The clemency for drugs convict was not only given to Australia’s Schapelle Leigh Corby, but also to two others foreign citizens from Germany and Nepal, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Amir Syamsuddin, said on Thursday. “The clemency is not only for Corby,” he emphasized, responded to the controversial clemency for Corby.

The German was sentenced five years in Denpasar prison for his possession of 4 grams methamphetamine. The inmate is granted two year reduction. While, the Nepal convict is granted the clemency due to his old age. The prisoner was sentenced to death, but the penalty was reduced to life imprisonment.

He added the clemency was a form of Indonesian diplomacy towards other countries. Indonesia often asks the similar act to other countries, such as the remission for Indonesian citizens in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia.




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