Selasa 01 Jan 2013 23:26 WIB

Minister Rajasa allows his son brought to justice

Rep: M Hafil/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Coordinating Minister of Economic Hatta Rajasa (file photo)
Foto: Antara
Coordinating Minister of Economic Hatta Rajasa (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Coordinating Minister of Economic Hatta Rajasa allows his son, M Rasyid Amirulloh Rajasa, to be brought to justice. The minister’s son was involved in a deadly car accident in Jagorawi toll road on Tuesday at 05.45 Western Indonesian Time. The accident took two lives and three others injured.

“We apologize and feel remorse over the accident,” Rajasa said while holding back the tears, during a press conference on Tuesday. Beside him, his wife looked struggling to control her emotion.  

Rajasa also expressed his deep condolences to the family members of victims. The accident, he said, had sent a severe blow to his family and he promised to help the all the victims. 

The minister continued that during the accident, his son was not in good physical condition as he was under treatment for an acute gastritis. And after the accident, he is also suffering from psychologically trauma and now he is undergoing a medical treatment in a hospital.  

Rajasa allows the police to bring his son to justice. “We would be very grateful if anyone could send prayers for Rasyid so he can hold responsible under law,” Rajasa said.

The accident occurred when a high speed BMW driven by Rasyid hit a Luxio in Jagorawi toll road from behind. Two passengers sat in back seats of Luxio, Harun (60 years) and Raihan (1,5 years) passed away in instant. While three others passengers in the same car, Rival (8 years), Nung (32 years), and Norman (41 years) were injuried.

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