Ahad 28 Jul 2013 01:00 WIB

Mahfud MD considers to join presidential convention of Democratic Party

Rep: Muhammad Akbar Wijaya/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Former Constitutional Court Chief Justice Mahfud MD participates in a discussion on presidential candidacy in Jakarta on Friday.
Foto: Republika/Tahta Aidilla
Former Constitutional Court Chief Justice Mahfud MD participates in a discussion on presidential candidacy in Jakarta on Friday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Former Constitutional Court Chief Justice Mahfud MD considers to join convention of Democratic Party for presidential candidates. He believes selection process in the convention will be objective and independent.

"I consider to participate because I believe it will be conducted in an objective process and the committee membera are independent," Mahfud said on Saturday, referred to committee members who were from outside the party. 

Convention of Democratic Party also involves a number of credible pollsters to capture voice of people. Then Mahfud believes, no participant will become "golden boy" in the convention. He will announce his participation in the convention after August 17, 2013. 

Former Constitutional Court Chief Justice Mahfud MD participates in a discussion on presidential candidacy in Jakarta on Friday. 


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