Senin 02 Sep 2013 20:27 WIB

Hundreds of people support national movement of anti alcoholic beverages

Rep: Ani Nursalikah/Mutia Ramadhani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Alcoholic beverage (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Alcoholic beverage (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - More than 500 people gathered on the roundabout of Hotel Indonesia on Sunday. They support the national movement of anti alcoholic beverages.

 Coordinator of National Movement of Anti Alcoholic Beverages, Fahira Fahmi Idris said this movement aimed to ask government to immediately issue regulation of anti alcoholic beverage. The issue of alcohol is not only related to religious values also about quality of life.

 "Everyday, there are fatalities due to alcoholic beverages. Everyday, cases of violance, rape, fight and traffic accident occur related to alcohol, but the government has not taken any serious measure handle it," Fahira said on Sunday.

Previously, Supreme Court revoked Presidential Decree No. 3/ 1997 and it causes a vacuum of regulation on alcoholic beverages at national level. Without the decree, it is up to each local government to make regulation on alcoholic beverages.

However, from 550 cities and districts in Indonesia, there are only 15 of them which have regulation of anti alcoholic beverages.


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