REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Thirty new buses of Transjakarta will operate in October. Head of Public Service Agency Transjakarta, Pargaulan Butarbutar said city government had discussed issue of bus grant with private parties, members of Roda Mas Group. They will grant 30 buses that will come next month.
"In the first five years, they still own those buses then they will hand those buses over to us. We will have an auction to determine the buses' operator," Butarbutar said on Friday.
Butarbutar added city government actually asked all buses were granted since the beginning, the request was rejected by Roda Mas Group. Butarbutar guessed that company did not buy all buses in cash.
The bus grant is certainly not free. However, Butarbutar refused to mentioned compensation behind the grant deal. Later, it will be discussed with Financial Management Board (BPKD).