Ahad 10 Nov 2013 14:31 WIB

'Govt must evaluate intelligence liaison officer at foreign embassy'

Rep: Ira Sasmita/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Hacker (ilustrasi)
Foto: ui.ac.id
Hacker (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Executive Director of Institute for Defense and Strategic Studies Indonesia, Rizal Darmaputra said that government could react strongly to fight alleged wiretap conducted by foreign intelligence officers who stole state's data and information. Government needed to look back the intelligence liaison officers in every foreign embassy in Indonesia. 

 "Government can see how they use diplomatic and device operation at foreign embassies. We can ask about the existence of liaison officers and ask them to go home to their countries," Darmaputra said this weekend. 

Darmaputra ensured that all foreign embassies conducted intelligence operation and employed officers who served as liaison intelligence.  The officers are officially recognized by Indonesian government. However, possibility of unofficial liaison employment officers is is very high and not fully captured by Indonesian government. 

Vice Chairman of Commission I of Democratic Party, Ramadhan Pohan said that embassy and consulate's activity of foreign government was not fully supervised. However, to take decision steps to repatriate foreign spies from Indonesia is too hasty. 

Government is still waiting for explanation of US and Australian government. If US and Australia still remains silent, it needs to think further steps. Indonesian government can expel foreign liaison officers and its officials. 

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