Jumat 06 Dec 2013 15:40 WIB

Karawang allocates 1.8 billion IDR to dredge estuary

Rep: Ita Nina Winarsi/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Some traditional fishermen repair fishingnets in Indramayu, West Java. Traditional fishing is among vurnerable sectors hit as oil price rises (illustration).
Foto: Antara//Dedhez Anggara
Some traditional fishermen repair fishingnets in Indramayu, West Java. Traditional fishing is among vurnerable sectors hit as oil price rises (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KARAWANG -- Head Department of Marine and Fisheries in Karawang regency, Durohim Suarli said that siltation was occurred in estuaries in Karawang, especially rivers are used by fishermen. Therefore, local government allocates budget to dredge estuary.

"We allocate 1.8 billion IDR for dredging activities. It has lots of benefits," Suarli said recently.

It is important for fishermen safety. If sand and soil are dredged, fishing boat traffic will return to normal, so that fishermen do not have to worry if the boat will sink. Dredging will also facilitate supply of water to fish ponds and salt ponds. Water will flow more smoothly.

Dredging is purely funded by district budget. However, it is still far from enough. They have to set estuaries retention wall or plaster. Local government asked helps of provincial and central government as the cost was very expensive.

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