Kamis 06 Feb 2014 17:10 WIB

BPS: Java still dominates economic structure in 2013

Fishing, one of primary sector of the economy in Indonesia. (Illustration)
Foto: Antara/Oky Lukmansyah
Fishing, one of primary sector of the economy in Indonesia. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia's economic structure in 2013 was still mostly supported by Java, despite acceleration of development in other part of The country. Statistics Indonesia (BPS) recorded that Java contributed 57.99 percent to last year's economic structure.

Sumatra then followed with its contribution at 23.81 percent, Kalimantan 8.67 percent, Sulawesi 4.82 percent, Bali and Nusa Tenggara 2.53 percent, Maluku and Papua 2.18 percent.

"Quantitatively, the economic activities in the secondary and tertiary sectors are still concentrated in Java, while the economic activities outside Java are concentrated more in the primary sector," head od BPS, Suryamin said on Wednesday.

sumber : Antara
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