Sabtu 05 Apr 2014 04:31 WIB

Ali Masykur Musa ranks second in Democratic party's convention

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Ali Masykur Musa
Foto: Republika/Yoghi Ardhi
Ali Masykur Musa

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Political Communication (PolComm) Institute's survey showed that Ali Masykur Musa ranked second out of 11 participants of Democratic party's convention to run presidential election 2014. The first position is Dahlan Iskan, Minister of State Owned Enterprises.

"Based on PolComm Institute, I have a high electability after Dahlan Iskan," Musa said recently.

Director of PolComm Institute, Heri Budianton explained that the survey showed the electability of candidates of Democratic party's convention, namely Dahlan Iskan (18.5 percent), Ali Masykur Musa (10.2 percent), Irman Gusman (10.1 percent), Pramono Edhie Wibowo (9.6 percent), and Marzuki Alie (7.2 percent).

Next, Gita Wirjawan (6.1 percent), Anies Baswedan (6.0 percent), Dino Patti Djalal (3.0 percent), Siinyo Harry Sarundajang (2.8 percent), Endriartono Sutarto (2.4 percent), and Hayono Isman (2.3 percent).

PolComm asked respondents about the suitability of president and vice presidential candidates in the convention. The result, Musa is suitable to accompany Aburizal Bakrie, presidential candidate of Golkar party about 10.3 percent. Musa also considered good to be paired with Gerindra party's presidential candidate, Prabowo Subianto.

"It means, Musa is accepted by people," Budianton said.

PolComm used a multistage random sampling, involving 1,200 respondents in 33 provinces on March 19-29, 2014. The survey was conducted through face to face interviews with a confidential level of 95 percent and margin of error of 2.9 percent.

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