Senin 07 Apr 2014 17:54 WIB

Five Rafflesia arnoldiis to bloom in Bengkulu

Mature Rafflesia arnoldii flower (illustration)
Mature Rafflesia arnoldii flower (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BENGKULU - Five Rafflesia arnoldii flowers are going to bloom soon and two others are in full bloom currently in a forest located in Seluma district, Bengkulu province, Sumatra Island.

"Now, two flowers are in full bloom and five buds are going to bloom soon," Sofian Ramadhan, coordinator of the Bengkulu Rare Flower Lover Community, stated on Sunday.

Doni, a farmer in Padangcapo village, Lubuksandi sub-district, Seluma district, informed the community about the rare Rafflesia arnoldii flowers that he had found in the forest near his coffee plantation.

"Near our coffee plantation, two flowers are in full bloom, and there are many buds," he pointed out.

The flowers are located at a distance of a three-hour ride on motorcycle from Bengkulu city and a one-hour walk in to the forest. 

Sofian explained that several Rafflesia arnoldii are blooming in Bukit Daun protected forest which is located in Kepahiang district, Bengkulu. Rafflesia arnoldii are also found in Central Bengkulu, Mukomuko, Lebong, Kaur, Seluma, and North Bengkulu districts.

There are four types of rafflesia flowers in Bengkulu, namely Rafflesia arnoldii, Rafflesia bengkuluensis, Rafflesia hasselti and Rafflesia gadutensis. 

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