Jumat 13 Jun 2014 06:25 WIB

Police to deploy 507 personnel for securing Bali Art Festival

Foto: AP/Firdia Lisnawati

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR -- The Bali Regional Police will deploy 507 personnel for securing the carnival and opening ceremony of the 36th Bali Art Festival on Friday, June 13.

"We have coordinated with the Indonesian Military personnel in order to secure the festival," Deputy Chief of Bali Regional Police Brigadier General I Gusti Ngurah Raharja Subyaktha noted here on Thursday.

A total of 507 personnel from the Bali Regional Police and Denpasar Resort Police will secure the carnival in front of Bali Bajra Sandi People's Monument in Puputan Niti Mandala Renon Street.

The police will engage several task units, such as the Sabhara unit, Crowd Control, Brigadier Mobile, and Traffic Police. The personnel will also secure the opening ceremony in Ardha Chandra Culture Park in Denpasar.

The carnival will start at the intersection of Puputan Renon-Moh Yamin Street and conclude at Tukad Unda-Niti Street.

The carnival will be participated by 15 art groups such as from the Indonesian Art Institution of Denpasar, the team from nine districts in Bali, Kodam IX Udayana military art group, Udayana University Drum Band and guests from East Nusa Tenggara and India.

The police will also deploy metal detectors at the opening ceremony to be held in Ardha Chandra of Art Garden.

The police will close vehicular access to the Nusa Indah Street in Denpasar during the opening ceremony, which will be attended by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and First Lady Ani Yudhoyono.

Several ministers and more than a hundred businessmen related to the tourism sector from various countries will attend the festival.

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